For nearly 60 years, Contractors Adjustment Co. has served as the construction industry's first line of defense against unstable, unscrupulous or financially unsound business partners and/or projects. With our proprietary, robust database of information about the credit-worthiness of developers, contractors, and subcontractors, CAC has become a leader in securitization for any company involved in the construction industry.
Our initial investigation into credit ratings often prevents contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers from engaging in partnerships in which they might not get paid. We proactively alert our clients to current construction lien filings, lawsuits and possible bankruptcy filings that could have left them at the end of a long line of unsecured and unhappy creditors. And when a project does go bad and you need to secure your receivable, CAC has the ability to swiftly produce the required notice(s) and/or claim(s) within a matter of days if not hours.
To provide contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers with the most reliable, affordable, professional and expeditious mechanics lien, claim on funds and bond production and unparalleled credit reporting in the construction industry